Flexible ties

Heating efficiency has always been a great concern in Russia, so flexible ties were developed with the aim of improving it. Low heat conductivity is one of their main features, so they do not let the heat out and do not let the cold in. Flexible ties do not form so-called ‘bridges of coldness’ i.e. spots where regular steel reinforcement conducts (and loses) heat and causes condensation as well. Theoretically, in hot climate they should improve cooling efficiency in a similar

гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи гибкие связи


Low heat conductivity: 0.46 Wt/m2 vs steel’s 56 Wt/m2. 120+ times less heat lost. Flexible ties will also help to solve the problem of thermal bridges which is typical for steel.

Non-corrosiveness and increased protection from aggressive environments including acids and alkali.

Low density which results in low weight (three times lighter than steel) which in turn results in lower load on the foundation.

Increased service life compared to steel even if the operation environment is much tougher

Better cost-efficiency compared to steel

Fire safety. Product completely conforms to GOST 30247.0–94 30247.1–97 in terms of fire safety and fire proofness

Efficient design

Flexible ties by CGC are thin rods with round cross-section made from fiberglass or basalt. They are either completely covered with quartz sand or have sanded tips. Sand coating enables enhanced adhesion with brick mortar and results in a firm and reliable installation of ties into brickwork. Additionally, sand coating also improves resistance to mortar’s alkaline environment.

Technical data

Length 200-650 mm
Diameter 6mm
Tensile strength 1000 MPa
Bending strength 1000 MPa
Tearout strength 7000 N


Types of ties

Flexible ties for brickwork

Diameter 6mm. Used in tying inner, insulating and outer layers of brickwork.This type of ties is also used with smaller elements in facade layer and in tying thermal insulator and bigger ceramic blocks.

f9 f2

общий вид связи для кирпичной кладки 1


общий вид связи для кирпичной кладки 2


Installation of flexible ties in brickwork with thermal insulation, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork  

Рис. 1 Схема применения гибких связей для кирпичной кладки с утеплителем вентилируемым зазором и облицовочным кирпичом

Figure 1 Installation of flexible ties in brickwork with thermal insulation, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork. Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 90mm +T + VG + 90mm

T is thickness of thermal insulation,
VG is ventilation gap and minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into load-bearing and outer walls is 90mm.
Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer


Installation of flexible ties in brickwork with thermal insulation and outer(facing) brickwork

Рис. 2 Схема применения гибких связей для кирпичной кладки с утеплителем и облицовочным кирпичом

Figure 2 Installation of flexible ties in brickwork with thermal insulation and outer(facing) brickwork. Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 90mm +T + 90mm, where
T is thickness of thermal insulation and minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into brickwork joints of load-bearing and outer walls is 90mm.


Installation of flexible ties with chemical anchors in systems with load bearing wall made of AE concrete blocks, thermal insulation layer, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork

Рис. 3 Схема применения гибких связей с применением химического анкера copy

Figure 3 Installation of flexible ties with chemical anchors Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 90mm +T + VG + 90mm, where
90 мм – минимальная величина установки гибкой связи в несущую стену с применением химического анкера;
Т – толщина слоя теплоизоляции;
ВЗ – величина воздушного зазора (от 20 до 50 мм, в соответствии с проектом);
90mm is the minimum length of installation of a flexible tie into the load-bearing wall by means of chemical anchor, T is thickness of thermal insulation and VG is ventilation gap (20 to 50 mm as per the Project). Minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into brickwork joint of the load-bearing wall: 90mm. Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer


Installation of flexible ties with chemical anchors in systems with timber load bearing wall with thermal insulation, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork

Рис. 4Схема применения гибких связей с применением химического анкера

Figure 4 Installation of flexible ties with chemical anchors Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 100mm +T + VG + 100mm, where

100mm is the minimum length of installation of a flexible tie into the load-bearing wall by means of chemical anchor, T is thickness of thermal insulation and VG is ventilation gap (20 to 50 mm as per the Project). Minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into brickwork joint of the load-bearing wall: 90mm. Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer.


Flexible ties for cast-in place constructions

Diameter 6mm, dowel at one tip and sanded anchor at another tip. Used for tying cast-in-place load-bearing wall and facing layer via thermal insulator. In some constructions ventilation gap is used as well.

f5 f7
f1 f6


общий вид связи для кирпичной кладки 1


Рис. 5 Схема применения гибких связей для утепления монолитных зданий с утеплителем вентилируемым зазором и облицовочным кирпичом

Installation of flexible ties in cast-in-place structures with thermal insulation, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork

Figure 5 Installation of flexible ties in brickwork with thermal insulation, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork. Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 45mm +T + VG + 90mm, where

T is thickness of thermal insulation and VG is ventilation gap. Minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into load-bearing and outer walls: 90mm. Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer.


Installation of flexible ties in systems with inner (main) wall made of hollow brick, thermal insulation layer, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork

Рис. 6 Схема применения гибких связей для утепления зданий с основной стеной из пустотелого кирпича

Figure 6 Installation of flexible ties in systems with hollow brick load-bearing wall. Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 80mm +T + VG + 90mm, where

80mm is the minimum length of penetration of a flexible tie into the inner wall T is thickness of thermal insulation and VG is ventilation gap (20 to 50 mm as per the Project). Minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into brickwork joint of the outer wall: 90mm. Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer.


Рис. 7 Схема применения гибких связей для утепления зданий с основной copy

Installation of flexible ties in systems with inner wall made of silicate brick, thermal insulation layer, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork

Figure 7 Installation of flexible ties in systems with silicate brick load-bearing wall. Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 45mm + T + VG + 90mm, where

80mm is the minimum length of penetration of a flexible tie into the inner wall, T is thickness of thermal insulation and VG is ventilation gap (20 to 50 mm as per the Project). Minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into brickwork joint of the outer wall: 90mm. Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer .



Рис. 8 Схема применения гибких связей для утепления зданий с основной стеной газобетона с

Installation of flexible ties in systems with inner wall made of AE brick, thermal insulation layer, ventilation gap and outer(facing) brickwork

Figure 8 Installation of flexible ties in systems with silicate brick load-bearing wall. Length of flexible ties in this type of systems is calculated as

L = 60mm + T + VG + 90mm

where 60mm is the minimum length of penetration of a flexible tie into the inner wall, T is thickness of thermal insulation and VG is ventilation gap (20 to 50 mm as per the Project). Minimum length for installation of a flexible tie into brickwork joint of the outer wall: 90mm. Ventilation gap support: shock- and frost-resistant polypropylene spacer



Flexible ties for TEPLOSTEN-type blocks

This type of ties is made of basalt plastic rod 6mm in diameter, fully covered with sand and is used for tying layers made of energy-efficient blocks of TEPLOSTEN type





1. These recommendations are aimed at construction of three-layer walls or walls made with other masonry types, cast-in-place walls with brickwork facing of up to 40 meters high.
2.These recommendations should be used for flexible ties; other elements of three-layer wall construction should be designed and built in accordance with the corresponding regulation.
3. Recommended number of ties per 1 sq.m. of blind walls is 4 ties and above.
4. Additional flexible ties are installed along the perimeter of openings, by expansion joints and balustrades. Recommended distance between ties is 300mm. Installation of ties at corners are shown at Figures 1, 2, 3, 4



Figure 1 Installation of flexible ties by the openings




Figure 2 Installation of flexible

ties by expansion joints



Figure 3 Installation of flexible ties by a balustrade





Figure 4 Installation of flexible ties in corners.

Thermal: insulation: mineral foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam




5. With polypropylene/polystyrol thermal insulation recommended distance between ties is 1000m vertically (maximum value) and 250mm / 4pcs per m2 horizontally (See Fig. 5)



Fig. 5 Installation of flexible ties into the wall with PP/PS thermal insulation.


6. With mineral foam insuation recommended vertical distance is 500-600mm (maximum distance should not exceed wall's height), horizontal distance is 500mm (See Fig. 6)



Figure 6 Installation of ties in the main area of a wall insulated by mineral foam



7. When used for thermal insulation of cast-in-place walls or production of pre-cast reinforced concrete elements, ties should be installed at distance between each other of 500mm (vertical and horizontal)
8. Brick walls with PS or PU foam insulation should be tied as shown on Figure 7



Figure 7 Recommended sequence for multilayer walls
with PS/PU foam thermal insulation



9 Brick walls with mineral foam insulation should be tied as shown on Figure 8



Figure 8 Recommended
sequence for multilayer walls with mineral foam thermal insulation




Direct sales

Direct sales from the Manufacturer Composite Group Chelyabinsk +7(351) 216-30-23 (RUS) 216-30-00(ENG)